I realized there's a color that I don't have. A peach. So I picked up Sweetie Pie. It was very peachy in the store, but when I got it home it was slighty peachish pink in the bottle and on the nail, pretty much straight pink. And not even a pink that I would select (Plus it takes 3+ coats to be opaque, it was streaking, it's thin as water and flooded my cuticles like crazy, and the brush wasn't even wide enough to attempt painting my tiny pinkie in one stroke); almost a mucky, nasty, muted, bland pink. I once made a franken that turned out looking like you went to change the baby's diaper and he'd eaten a huge container of red glitter, and it was better than this poor excuse for a bottle of nail polish crap. Just sayin'. It was so bad I didn't even bother photographing it on my nails.
I'm thinking it's the store lighting or something, though, when it comes to the color as I bought Pure ICE All Night Long there too and loved it in the store. It's a dark, shimmery blue with flashes of purple and green. When I got it home, though, the purple flash was gone. =(
Anyway, I say there's a first time for everything because I also picked up my first Nicole by OPI polish. It is now the most expensive polish I own! =P I got Disco Dolls, a gold glitter. It actually took me a while to select this one.
I was in front of the Nicole Kardashian Kolor display, with three different bottles in my hand trying to decide whether or not I wanted them all. As I was talking myself through it (I was actually talking to my husband, but when I start on about polish, he does the same thing that I do when he starts talking about cars). I put back the teal because I rarely wear teals. It's a shame, actually. It's such a beautiful color, I really should wear it more often! I just couldn't justify the price for a color I never wear. I put back the blue/purple/green glitter because I have tons of glitters and even more blues. I really need to stop buying blue polishes! Idk why, but they are the ones I'm drawn to! I am slightly regretting doing so, though.
I almost put back the gold and left with none of them because I didn't really like that it has itty bitty rainbow glitters mixed in. And if I am going to pay $7 for a single bottle, I have to LOVE it! I went ahead and got Disco Dolls, though. Basically just because I've been searching for a good gold glitter to do Christmas manis with next month!
Why I am regretting putting the other two back? Oh man!!
Disco Dolls is basically a one-coat glitter, depending on how thick you lay your polish. In one very thin coat, it was already almost opaque. It was trying so very hard to be and probably could have been with one thickish coat. For a glitter, that's spectacular! It doesn't require a base coat at all. The brush is nice. It's not too thick or too thin. Glitter lays flat. The only negative (or at least it's a negative for some people, but doesn't bother me much) is that it's got a fairly rough finish.
If the other two polishes I was debating on are this great, especially the other glitter, I may just have to go back. The only thing that kills me, still, is that ridiculous price! I'm such a cheapo when it comes to... anything, really. =P
When all was said and done, I swapped Sweetie Pie for Rimmel London English Rose (which is a first for me in that brand too, actually) and ended up with this mani:
I added some gold crackle from Sally Hansen just to see what it would look like, but it wasn't a keeper:
Do you have any from the Kardashian Kolor set that you love/hate?
Thanks for stopping by and everyone have Totally Gold Glitter-ific Tuesday!! =)
P.S. I am getting very close to both my 100th post and 100 followers. I can't decide if I should do a giveaway or wait until those numbers double?
Nail Reflections · 696 weeks ago
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NailsLikeLace 127p · 696 weeks ago